lp To use Comments
1 Class Project should implement at least one class
2 Field One of the class should have at least one field
3 Method One of the class should have at least one method (that is not a constructor)
4 Parameters One of the method should have at least two parameters
5 Object Project should implement at least one object
6 Console interaction Project should take console as an input and output. At least one object should be created as a set of input data from console
7 Encapsulation All fields in all clasess should be private. Getter and Setter method should be provided if field access needed
8 Naming convention All class, object, fields, method, etc should follow naming convention, like Hungarian and CamelCase
9 new Project should implement keyword new at least once
10 Anonymous object Project should implement at least one anonymous object
11 Array Project should implement at least one array
12 Method overloading Project should implement at least one overloaded method
13 Static variable Project should implement at least one static field
14 Constructor Project should implement at least one non default constuctor
15 this Project should implement keyword this at least once
16 static (method, block) Project should implement keyword static at least once, except static variable
17 Random Project should use some random numbers
18 Inheritance Project should implement at least one inherited class
19 super Project should implement keyword super at least once
20 Method overriding Project should implement at least one overrided method
21 final Project should implement keyword final at least once
22 Varargs Project should implement at least one varargs parameter in some method
23 Composition Project should implement at least one composition relation
24 Aggregation Project should implement at least one aggregation relation
25 Polymorphizm Project should implement at least one abstract class or interface