Internet Technology - Ćwiczenia 4

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Temat: Websites - HTML and CSS languages.

Topics for today

Introduction tasks

Task 1 - Sample website

  1. Create a file with the .html extension with the following content:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>My example web page!</title>
        <div id="content">
        <h1>Heading One</h1>
        <p>First paragraph.</p>
        <p>Second paragraph.</p>
        <h3 style="text-align:center">To już koniec strony...</h3>
  2. In any web browser, open the previously created file. What do the individual tags mean?

  3. Change the tags to any other and check the effect of their operation (refreshing the page in the browser).

  4. Comment on the page code so that only “Hello!” Is displayed and page title.

  5. How do you view the page code in your browser?

Task 2 - Simple home page

  1. As part of the task, we will create our own homepage that will contain the following information:
  2. Let’s check whether the constructed website opens and looks the same in all available in the system web browsers.

  3. Should the home page contain the tag (i) div?

Task 3 - More complex home page

  1. We will extend the author’s homepage with the following elements using the CSS language:
  2. Are the CSS styles equally supported in each of the available browsers?

  3. What is the relationship between CSS styles and div tags?

Assessment tasks


The mandatory task is also an extra task.

Make a faithful copy of the appearance of the following web page:

The task is to reproduce the appearance of the page, not its functionality. A copy of the page’s appearance (a different web page) should be saved as single file: page.htm.

To the address send a message with the title: “[DTIN] Z5.1 ######”, where ###### is a six-digit student index number. The previously constructed page.htm must be attached to the message (body of email may be empty). Results will be presented below after the deadline for this task.

The following mechanism will be used as an assessment of the degree of similarity:

$ chromium-browser --headless --disable-gpu --screenshot --window-size=1280,700

Depending on your operating system you may need to use google-chrome instead of chromium-browser

This means that the submitted page will be opened in the Chrome browser in 1280x700 resolution, and then compared to the original in the same resolution as image. If possible, the execution of JavaScript code will be blocked on the submitted page.

Task result

no Index number Points